AI Integration Made Simple

Choose where you need staff augmentation

Haven can deploy a custom AI model to the areas your manager’s need the most support. We’ll partner with you to train, test and deploy in weeks.

Automating Accounts Payable Workflows

Machine-learning to free your staff from manually processing vendor invoices and coding.

Automate RFQ/RFP

Streamline your maintenance workflow by letting AI handle work order submissions, triaging, and even approvals.

Manager GPT

Help your property management team easily access important information by simply asking an AI in natural language.

Proactive Support

IntelligentAI assistants that keep your staff accountable with best practices, reminders, and proactive recommendations.

Have a workflow you'd like to automate?

Connect with our AI Experts

AI-Powered Automation Layer

Data Sources
Haven Platform
AI Tasks

Give Your Property Managers Superpowers

Property managers are overwhelmed with an endless list of tasks and the manual work involved in each of them.


Hours per week spend on manual data entry

Open tickets, delayed responses, and unhappy residents

Manually switching between siloed systems and data to find information or complete a task


An Intelligent AI assistant that automates manual work off of your management team, and keeps your managers on top of important tasks.

A New Operating Model For Property Management

Eliminate manual work

Improve your profit margins by eliminating time-consuming manual work and operational cost-centers.

Manage more properties

Scale your portfolio without scaling your headcount. Let AI automate back-office tasks so you can do more, with less.

Improve resident experience

Give your resident an intelligent assistant that knows your property and can help them instantly, around the clock.

Unlock the full potential of AI for Property Management.             Unlock the full potential of AI for Property Management.

Haven could save you



Learn how we estimate your savings
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